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Hey there, I'm Allison Koontz

You guessed it, I’m an intern. Currently, I work for Small Coffee as a Public Relations and Marketing Intern for the summer of 2018.


I hail from the usually forgotten land of cattle and rolling plains, otherwise known as the Texas Panhandle. I am a senior Public Relations major and Business Foundations minor at the University of Texas at Austin, graduating in May of 2019. After discovering an interest in the world of communication and a passion for writing, I realized my perfect fit in a fast-paced industry filled with creativity.


In my free time, I wander around Austin, stopping at every coffee shop and friendly dog. I’m not kidding. As I write this, I am sipping on some cold brew and watching a cute dog on the patio of this coffee shop that I just pet. Easily spotted by my untamed curls, mom jeans and journal in hand, I aspire to bring the world my spunk and charm one line of copy at a time.

Why a blog?

Writing has always been my thing. From scribbling down my pre-teen emotions in a diary I labeled dairy to the occasional poem I write on the border of my lecture notes, writing is my favorite form of expression.


As I become a young professional, I decided to create a blog to display my experiences as an intern, a developing communication specialist and whatever else may happen along the way as I live my life as an avid intern.

Care to chat? Drop me a line!

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