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  • Writer's pictureAllison Koontz

Industry Chats: Confidence

My journey to find my place in the world of communication continues. After pushing myself to take risks professionally, I reached out to a friend of my boss’s who happens to work at an agency I’ve always dreamed of working at.

Last week I had the pleasure of meeting Jessica Lee, a social media manager from GSD&M, for a cup of coffee before work. To say I was nervous is an understatement. Though we were just meeting so I could find out what she does at GSD&M and how she got there, I found myself anxious about wasting a professional’s time yet again.

The moment I sat down with Jessica, all my worries went away. She was very friendly and warm with me, mentioning that she was more than happy to meet with me before work to chat about the industry. We quickly began conversing about our backgrounds, her work at GSD&M, new social media trends and how to land the job you want. Jessica gave me great advice on how to change up a resume, applying to jobs after graduation and the pros and cons of graduate school. Our hour together flew by as our conversation was never-ending. Towards the end of our conversation, she asked if I was at all interested in interning at GSD&M. Trying not to scream, I calmly said I would love to have the opportunity to intern at the agency. Jessica had me send her my resume so she could forward it to the intern recruiters. So we will see where this may take me.

After meeting with Jessica, I gained a new level of confidence and motivation to apply to the internships I have always wanted. Previously, I thought I was not experienced enough to even get an interview for a big ad agency or PR firm. But as of today, I have applied to five internships for the fall and already have an interview with one.

My takeaway from my chat with Jessica is to never sell yourself short. I definitely needed that boost of confidence to know that I am capable of landing that dream agency internship. Be your own hype man, take a chance, apply to that internship and see what happens. Our time as students is to learn as much as possible and leap at opportunities while we can.

Go get ’em.



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